Servicing Seematz worldwide
For availability or other questions about our seematz service, call our 24/7 number or send an email:
Servicing your Seematz Searchlights
We are more than happy to help you out with any of your questions or inquiries with regard to Seematz searchlights. Whether it is about making the right choice in light source (halogen, xenon or LED) or searchlight type, or assisting you with onboard service to commission or repair your searchlight, regardless of the type, you can give us a call on below number or call our 24/7 service number.
Servicing your Seematz straightline window wipers
You can contact us with all your questions regarding spare parts, service and repair for your Seematz window wiper installation. We perform service jobs on Seematz window wiper installations onboard ships worldwide.
Refit of Seematz window wiper installation
After many years of service, even Seematz window wipers will eventually come to the point of refitting, due to the harsh conditions to which the wipers are exposed. As every window wiper installation is tailor made, and the execution of each installation is carefully filed including detailed measurement drawings, we can have your set of window wipers built again, exactly corresponding the original sizes and execution. That will normally take 8-10 weeks. After that, we can assist you with replacing the complete set of window wipers (or if you wish, only a part of it). Normally, the power supply, control panel and eventual wash installation can remain in place, thus reducing the impact of a refit both in time and costs. If your vessel is about to be in need of a window wiper exchange, just give us a call!